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Discover the secrets to PPT meeting success: Tips #26-30

September 24, 2023

Hey there! I'm Shay, co-founder of Elea, your partner in navigating the world of special education. Welcome to our incredible series of 30 tips in 30 days, specially crafted to make your PPT meetings a breeze. We know as parents of children with special needs, these meetings can feel overwhelming, but fear not! With the right preparation, you can approach them with confidence and be well-informed. Today, we're excited to share tips #26 to #30, so let's dive right in and make those PPT meetings shine!

Tip #26: Unpacking Prior Written Notice (PWN)

Let's start with an important one - Prior Written Notice, or PWN for short. This is a written communication from the school district that outlines any proposed or refused changes in your child's special education program. As a parent, understanding PWN is crucial for being actively involved in your child's education. Take the time to read these notices carefully, don't hesitate to ask for clarification if needed, and keep a record of these documents. They not only show transparency but also serve as your safeguards in the process.

Tip #27: Accommodations vs. Modifications: Knowing the Difference

Accommodations and modifications are two strategies that can make a world of difference in your child's academic success. Accommodations are like little tweaks to the learning environment or teaching methods that allow your child to access the same curriculum as their peers. They don't change the content but provide supports such as extended time on tests or the use of assistive technology.

Modifications, on the other hand, involve changes to the curriculum or learning goals themselves to match your child's unique needs. Understanding this distinction is key to ensuring your child receives the right support on their learning journey. So let's embrace these strategies and tailor them to your child's needs.

Tip #28: The Power of Assistive Technology

Assistive technology is like a superhero sidekick for students with special needs. These amazing tools, ranging from software to equipment, can enhance communication, aid in task completion, and facilitate access to information. To harness the power of assistive technology, explore different tools, consult with the school's special education team, and ensure your child receives the right training and support to use these technologies effectively. It's time to unlock new possibilities!

Tip #29: Steering Clear of Pre-Determination in the IEP Process

Remember, the IEP process is a team effort. It's all about collaboration and making decisions together. Pre-determination happens when decisions about your child's IEP are made without meaningful input from parents or the IEP team. To avoid this, stay actively involved in the process, share your insights, and advocate for your child's needs. Your voice matters, so let it be heard!

Tip #30: Understanding Manifestation Determination

When disciplinary action is taken against a child with a disability, it's crucial to consider whether their behavior is a direct result of their disability. This is where Manifestation Determination comes into play. If you find yourself in this situation, don't hesitate to request a Manifestation Determination meeting. Participate actively, share your insights about your child's disability and its impact on their behavior, and ensure your child's rights are protected throughout the process.

Remember, these concepts may seem like just jargon, but they're actually powerful tools to ensure your child's educational journey is supported and their rights are protected. Understanding them empowers you to be a stronger advocate for your child.

Stay tuned for more posts as we continue to simplify the language of special education and provide practical tips to help you navigate this incredible journey. And always remember, you are not alone - there is a whole community of parents, educators, and advocates here to help and support each other.